- Can you beat that? Can you imagine anything worse that that? 竟然有这种事!难道还有什么比这更糟的吗?
- She's got some fool idea that she should retire too and do no housework, just amuse herself all day. Can you beat that? 他不知哪儿来的傻念头,说她也要退休,不做家务,整天寻乐呢。 你说还有比这更邪门儿的事吗?
- Mike: I was sleepwalking. Can you beat that? Look at this Mom, I'm fully dressed!! 迈克:我在梦游呢!嘿你瞧瞧妈妈我把衣服都穿上了。
- Can you beat it? Can you imagine anything worse than that? 竟有这种事?难道还有什么比这更糟糕的吗?
- Can you beat time to this music? 你能为这首乐曲打拍子吗?
- Can you beat it? Why,Mark wouldn't hurt a fly. 这怎么可能呢?要知道,马克连苍蝇都不愿意伤害。
- You can fight him, but can you beat him? 你可以打他, 但是你能击败他吗?
- My hen laid a five-pound egg. Can you beat it? 我家的母鸡生了一个五镑重的鸡蛋,你能比得过吗?
- How can you beat the Communist Party? 你怎么才能打得过共产党?
- Can you beat us with this Kung-fu make us handsome? 可不可以帮我们的相貌打得漂亮一点?
- You, who is wet behind the ears, how can you beat me down? 你一个如臭未干的家伙,你怎能把我撂倒?
- A multitude of levels and challenges, can you beat them all? 有很多关等著你来挑战,你能顺利过关吗?
- Heikki can you remember what he said after you beat him (karting) at Bercy? 问:海基,你能记得在你在贝西打败他时,他说了些什么吗?
- You won't easily beat that record. 你恐怕不容易打破那个记录。
- Kate: Can you recognize that woman, Millie? 凯特:米莉,你能认出那个女人吗?
- Can you describe what went through your mind when you beat your favorite player? What you thought? 你能不能跟我们描述一下战胜你最喜欢的球员时,你的脑袋中想到了什么?
- Educating children should focus on guiding and enlightening, how can you beat them with fists and sticks? 教育孩子应以引导、说教为主,怎么能拳棒相加呢?
- How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你怎能为你粗鲁的行为辩护?
- Can you elaborate on that, mr. fox? 福克斯先生,那个问题能否请您详细阐述一下?
- The worlds best racehorses meet for the SteepleChase Challenge. Can you beat them in single races or championship? 世界上最大的马会正在举行障碍赛马,而你就是那备受瞩目的骑手。你能否力挫群雄,拿到那最终的大奖呢?